Reading Center Para Sa Mga Bata sa Sitio Dechelem

Dechelem is a fishing community located in Barangay Sagrada, Busuanga, Palawan. It is home to 52 households, with a total population of 224 individuals. Most of the families living in the area rely on fishing as their main source of livelihood, while a small portion work in private industries. According to the IPMR of Brgy Sagrada, more than 80% of the population belongs to the tribe of Tagbanua -Sogodnon (Calamianen).

However, almost all of the families live below the poverty threshold.

The barangay lacks educational facilities and children have to walk around 4-5 kilometers, use motorcycle or motor boat if the family has one, or paddle boats just to reach their school in the barangay proper. In fact, there are at least 10 cases of malnourished children within the village. Due to poverty and the difficult conditions in the community, most parents opt for their children to just skip Day Care and proceed directly to Kindergarten. Knowing that following the levels of education is important for children, especially those in their formative years, the barangay established an early childhood care in 2019 to address the problem. However due to the inaccessibility of the area and the lack of manpower, their local Day Care had to cease its operations.

Thinking of the children who have no access to learning facilities drove me to do this campaign which aims to raise funds to build a Reading Center. This simple center will serve as an avenue that will bring kids closer to books and art materials, honing their reading skills and giving way to their creativity.

I am knocking on the door of your hearts. Please join me again in this project for the IP children in this needy and far-flung community. Together, let us bring hope and light to them.

Thank you very much! God bless and reward your generosity.

If you have a Maya account or a Gcash, you may scan any of the QR codes below to contribute.

Please send a screenshot of your successful transaction to our email and put in the subject:

“Reading Center Para Sa Mga Bata sa Sitio Dechelem”



BEAGIVER haydeeabidsijera0803
I am a full-time Mom and entrepreneur. Doing community works, particularly for the Indigenous Peoples, is one of my advocacies. I am also an advocate of Organic Backyard Gardening and Farming.
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