PAYMAYA IT FORWARD: Sitio Panglit Kids, Zambales

Resting in the western part of Masinloc, Panglit island is unceasingly waving its flag in terms of pupils’ academic and extra-curricular achievements, despite the struggle of school children in going to school everyday. We found this community when we saw a feature on TV about how ‘Jomar’ and the other learners  from this community embrace the value of education. The distance and the lack of basic supplies did not break their spirit. Day after day, they brave the waves and make do of what they have in hopes that education will one day change their lives and the lives of their families.

For ‘Jomar‘ and the 89 other  school kids, let us make them feel that we care about their journey through our simple act of giving them high-quality BEAGIVER school bags and raincoats that they can use in school for few years.

Let us give not only because we have so much. Let’s give because it is part of who we are as a team.
We are going to PayMaya It Forward!

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PayMaya It Foward
5 years ago