Flood of Hope for Mantatao

Mantatao Elementary School is a public elementary school in Barangay Mantatao, an island community in the town of Calape, Province of Bohol. The 7.2-magnitude earthquake in 2013 greatly affected the island by sinking it from its elevation, making it prone to flooding. The pressing issue on global warming has made sea levels rise, making the floods higher and more frequent. Continuous extraction of sand in the island gave the flooding an additional notoriety, making the floods deeper. Although sand mining has been banned, this gave the island long term repercussions to deal with. Because of these, children have to come to school in boats since floods make the school somehow inaccessible. The children, however, are very eager to come to school despite the situation. At a young age, they know deep in their hearts the importance of education and are committed to achieving their dreams. The story of the children of Mantatao has inspired me, a teacher who has continuously emphasized the importance of education and to make our success the success of the community through giving back. Through this campaign, we will be able to light the torch for the students of the island community of Mantatao, Calape through a school bag w/ raincoat and hope and pray that every time they see their bags, they will be inspired to pursue their education despite the challenges so that someday, they will be the ones to light the torch for others.


BEAGIVER Dandreb James Arro
Growing up, my family and I had our share of financial difficulties. Throughout those years, my parents emphasized the importance of education. Those difficult times fueled in me the sense of paying it forward by helping people in need in one way or another. Now that I am living my dream of becoming a teacher, I remind my students of how valuable education is and to make our success the success of the community through giving back. Through BeAGiver, I will be able to light the torch for the students in marginalized communities one school bag at a time. I hope that the bag inspires them to continue studying so they may one day achieve their dreams and pay the generosity extended to them forward to someone in need.
2019/06/01 03:15:00
2020/07/21 03:17:00
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Dandreb James Arro
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