Badjao Floating School is the first-ever floating school established in Isabela City, Basilan, with a total of 949 pupils enrolled and 18 existing classrooms. Initially, the floating school was particularly built for the Badjao kids living in Malamawi Island. Certain points were considered from building a separate school for the badjao, and one major point is that a huge number of badjao kids don’t want to attend formal school due to discrimination, racism, and bullying. But, even though they are now attending formal school, hence in Badjao floating School, they are still away from opportunities compared to those who attend formal school in the city. Some classrooms are not conducive for learning and not safe for the kids since the classrooms are on stilts. There is no library present in their school and they don’t have enough books for all, which I believe that the presence of a library is essential to a certain school.


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BEAGIVER Levinia Perez
A passionate social worker in Local Government Unit of Isabela City Basilan. An active advocate and hope paddler,bringing hope to every home in Basilan Province and fights equal opportunities of every women and children.
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Levinia Perez
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